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In order for us to properly evaluate animals that come into our program, we believe it is best to place animals into a home environment.  It allows us to provide potential adopters with accurate information on the animal’s personality and behavior.  Some of our adoptable animals come from municipal shelters where they would have been killed within days if we did not step forward to rescue them. We receive a phone call from a shelter manager who delivers the sobering news:  “x” number of cats will be euthanized by “x” date unless transferred or adopted.   Talk about pressure!   We stretch the bounds and our own comfort levels to save every animal we can. 

If we had more foster homes, we could save more lives.

Our ability to save animals from death is contingent upon the immediate availability of foster homes.

Consider opening your home to a cat in transition.  CATsNAP provides all vet care.  Some need a little confidence to face the world again.  Some are ready to go and simply need a safe place to stay until we have space in our Adoption Centers.  But all need the selfless love and compassion of a foster care provider to help them get a fresh start. 

ASPCA Guide to Fostering Kittens