What is declawing?
Too often, people think that declawing is a simple surgery that removes a cat’s nails—the equivalent of having your fingernails trimmed. Or that declawing their cats is a harmless “quick fix” for unwanted scratching. Sadly, this is far from the truth.
Declawing traditionally involves the amputation of the last bone of each toe. If performed on a human being, it would be like cutting off each finger at the last knuckle. It is an unnecessary surgery that provides no medical benefit to the cat and instead, can cause health and behavior problems in your cat.

Declawing can actually make a cat less likely to use the litter box or more likely to bite. Declawing also can cause lasting physical problems for your cat.
Many countries have banned declawing. The Humane Society of the United States opposes declawing except for the rare cases when it is necessary for medical purposes, such as the removal of cancerous nail bed tumors.
People who are worried about being scratched, especially those with immunodeficiency’s or bleeding disorders, may be told incorrectly that their health will be protected by declawing their cats. However, infectious disease specialists don’t recommend declawing. The risk from scratches for these people is less than those from bites, cat litter, or fleas carried by their cats.
Educated pet parents can easily train their cats to use their claws in a manner that allows everyone in the household to live together happily.

We do not accept applications from people that intend to declaw the cat. A contract will have to be signed stating that the new owner will abide by this regulation or pay a $500.00 fee for breaking the terms of the contract.
Additional Information on Declawing
Why declawing is bad for your cat
ASPCA Position Statement on Declawing Cats
Is it bad to declaw a cat? This is what the experts have to say